2010 Episode Synopsis
by Charlie Wray
Episode 200: B.C. Circle Hook Sturgeon
Today, the Mercury Marine Destination takes us west to the Fraser River in Chilliwack, B.C. Charlie and renowned guide and friend Len Ames make this a yearly adventure, and why not, this Sturgeon fishery is world class and a tremendous amount of fun. It gets into your system and Charlie looks forward to this each year with the dreams of catching even larger Sturgeon than the year before. This year, Charlie also invites Peter Strain, President of the Water Depot along. Peter has never experienced the fight of these marvelous fish, so this will be fun!
This is not light duty fishing, 130 lb test Tuf-Line XP is not overkill, but standard line for these monsters. Hook sets must be forceful enough to drive the hook home on the first attempt, or you quickly learn from your mistakes. The no stretch Tuf-Line XP is a must and so are razor sharp Mustad Ultrapoint Big Gun hooks #10829BLN. This year, Len has a twist on things. Instead of the usually hard hook sets and Mustad Big Gun hooks, Len has Mustad #39959BLN Circle Hooks in mind. Len hasn’t become a legend in the area from following the crowd, and has been experimenting on using the Mustad Circle Hooks. This is a different system for hook sets all together, but works incredibly well when you let the hook do the job for you. Reels still have the same amount of drag pressure set to subdue these monsters once hooked, but the drag setting is reduced by more than half for the take. After baits are cast out, the lever drag on the Okuma Makaira reels are slid back from the strike setting. What this does, is allow the Sturgeon to take the bait, pull some line from the reel on the hit, and turn in the current. As hard as this is to watch without grabbing the rod, it is essential. Once the Sturgeon has turned with the bait, the drag can be repositioned to the full drag force and the rod can be loaded. As always with circle hooks, never set the hook, only lean back and allow the steady pressure to turn the circle hook so it locks in the corner of the lips. It was surprising to see just how well this works, and since single barbless is the law, the circle hook has much higher holding percentage with your Sturgeon jumping and throwing 16 ounces of lead around.
Okuma Makaira reels in size 20 are the chosen reel today. This is a new breed of big game reels from Okuma designed to be the best on the market, and they have been flawless. Rods need to be a little unique, a strong powerful butt section, but yet a fairly soft tip that telegraphs takes and allows the big sensitive fish to take the bait. When under pressure from a monster fish, flinging weights and hooks can cause much damage, be sure to protect your eyes at all times with Maui Jim Sunglasses. Charlie makes it a habit to wear his glasses at all times, not only from the damaging sun, but any number of fishing related accidents that can happen in a boat. On cloudy days, the lighter rose and amber tints are great for low light conditions, and actually brighten up what you can see. If you are looking for an incredible trip, beautiful scenery, and tremendous Sturgeon fishing, contact Len or Greg Wolf at Len’s Sportfishing Adventures at 866-991-0287 or www.Lenssportfishing-bc.com Len and Greg are true gentlemen and excellent guides, not only for the Sturgeon, but any of the Trout and Salmon species in the area!! Len, Greg or one of his highly trained guides will be sure to treat you to a memorable trip of a lifetime. For all your fishing needs, check out SAIL –The Outdoors Stores at www.sail.ca
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