2012 Episode Synopsis
by Charlie Wray
Episode 216:Charlotte Queen Salmon
Today, The Mercury Marine Destination takes me to the Queen Charlotte Islands along the coast of British Columbia. This area is always a treat to visit and the fishing for Salmon is legendary, so when an old friend, Paul Cain, director of Marketing for the Charlotte Queen adventures called me, “no” wasn’t going to be my answer. The Charlotte Queen is a modified tug, turned into a floating hotel, with gourmet meals and first class service. They only host 12 people at a time, so you know personal attention is always a priority. With a Hela Jet helicopter ride directly to the boat, I knew I was in for a treat! www.charlottequeenadventures.com or 1-800-784-1718. There are several lodges in the Queen Charlottes, but this is isolated by itself and in prime fishing grounds, one of the benefits of being able to move your lodge. Large safe boats are supplied, but what is unique about this fishery, is the fact that these are self guided boats. A fish master boat is out in the area with you, but you are set up to do it yourself, this is how good the fishing is!!
Everything is supplied short of personal items and clothing, so only the bare minimum is needed. Bait, rigs, even Mustang floater coats and pants and warm insulated boots are set aside to meet your size and comfort level. I am always looking for an extra edge, so at the last minute, I decided to bring along a couple of my Okuma Catalina Line counter reels, loaded with 50 lb test Tuf-Line XP. I knew this was a mooching hot spot, but what I didn’t know, was the depths the Salmon were hitting at. I was first to pull out one of my Line Counter rigs since Paul and I were unsure what exact depth we were starting to hit fish at. We knew the bottom depth from the fish finder, but these fish were nailing it before bottom.
With the help of the line counter, I quickly dialed into the fact that the majority of hits were between 290 and 330 feet down, so I was able to concentrate on the productive zone without having to come all the way up and drop though it again. Wow, what a great way to use a line counter, mooching!!!! I don’t have anything against the traditional mooching outfits, but this worked so good it was crazy!!! Paul only let me get a couple of fish ahead of him before my other line counter rig was in his hands! It just worked so well and kept us zoned in. We checked with each other after every hit or even bumps to keep dialed in to the changing depth preference during the day.
We caught more fish than we could film and had a blast. While our main target were the Chinook Salmon, Coho were virtually everywhere. I never thought I would call a Coho Salmon a nuisance, but Paul and I probably had two dozen Coho hit our Herring at boat side, while we were checking the action to get it perfect before the drop to larger fish. You just didn’t know when your bait was going to be plowed. We were laughing like kids most of the time this trip! Productive fishing grounds are just out from the lodge boat so long travel wasn’t even needed. You can come in for a delightful lunch, or have a bag lunch prepared if you want to stay out. Everyone stays in constant contact with each other, not only for a safety factor, but to keep each other informed on depths and location, with everyone helping each other, it turns the entire group into a happy family. Strangers are good friends before the end of the first day. What a great place to fish!
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