2013 Episode Synopsis
by Charlie Wray
Episode 232: Giant PEI Bluefin Tuna
Today, the Mercury Marine Destination takes us out to North Lake, Prince Edward Island. Charlie and his wife Terri load up the spacious Mega Cab, and after the run east in the RAM 2500 Diesel, it's time to go fishing. In the comfort of the RAM, it doesn't even feel like a long trip, especially with the expectations of monster Tuna being the driving force. Once again they join up with Captain Tony MacDonald of Tony's Tuna Fishing for this exciting adventure. This is about as exciting as Big Game Fishing can be, and the size of these Giant Bluefin Tuna will absolutely amaze you. Not only is Tony and his crew as polite as can be, they treat every guest like family. This is truly a wonderful trip and experience. Family fun, or fishing buddies, you will have the time of your life. www.tonystunafishing.com or 902-357-2207.
Along for the fun this year, is once again Mustad's Steve Tagami and Seaguar's John DeVries. After hearing of this tremendous trip from John after last year's trip, Seaguar's Gerry Benedicto was anxious to join the fun this season. This year, the gang decided to enjoy the fighting chair, and with everyone taking 30 minute turns, everyone has fun with these magnificent monsters. Leaders of 200 lb test Seaguar Fluorocarbon are a must. Not only for the abrasion resistant qualities, but these large eyed monsters would shy away in a second if the leader was not invisible in the water. Today, the 12/0 Mustad Demon Perfect Circle Hook #39959BLN was ideal, incredibly strong without being bulky and overly visible. The take was not as fast as past years, cold fronts and just plain nasty weather prior to the arrival of the gang were surely to blame, and both kites and floats were deployed to coax a hit away from the boat. With the experience of Tony and his crew, it didn't take long anyway.
Once the bait was taken, with only some steady pressure, the circle hook found the corner of the jaw perfectly, then hang on as you apply the maximum pressure, and let me tell you, these brutes pull and run hard! It is not uncommon to fire up the boat and follow these fish for up to 2 miles during the fight. Circle hooks are designed to rotate and only hook the corner of the mouth, this way, even fish that suck in a bait deeply, the hook can slide back up the throat, rotate, and only hook the jaw, perfect for live release fishing. To say these fish are strong is an understatement. In the words of Mustad's Steve Tagami, "they do whatever they want for about the first half hour, and you are powerless against it, all you can do is hang on, absolutely incredible".
The Okuma Makaira 80W has a flawless drag, even with up to the 60 lbs of pressure needed to slow these monsters. This is truly a big game reel that can take on anything you want to fish for. Also a special note, the Seaguar Kanzen 130 lb test braid was wonderful and sliced through the waves like a straight wire, no belly like the commercial guys experience with the 130 mono. The big plus, downsizing to the 80W sized reels loaded with the thin braid, actually hold much more line than the 130 reels with 130 lb mono, so you can use a smaller reel and enjoy the stand up fight or a lighter outfit harnessed into the chair. Last year while experimenting with the new Seaguar Kanzen braid, the gang actually had one large Tuna wrap in one of Tony's Herring nets. Normally a sure break off!! The Seaguar Kanzen cut through the net in short order, and no damage could be found on the line, and yes, the fish was brought to boat side and released!
This is about as good as Big Game fishing can be, and while there is a worldwide shortage of these monster fish, and since each fish is extremely valuable to the worldwide fish markets, the future is unknown. However, the population is still strong in P.E.I. and a live release sport fishery is still there for anyone wanting to enjoy one of the largest, toughest sport fish in the world.
Unlike some of the media attention the Tuna fishing has received from the New England states, where quotas are set and commercial fishermen try to land as many as they can in the season, argue and fight with each other on the water and back at the dock. The commercial and charter fleets in P.E.I. help each other, very friendly, and largely work as a team towards this wonderful release fishery. They actually call other boats over when into an active school of Tuna. The commercial Tuna fleet in P.E.I. are allowed only one fish per season, Tony included, so the catch and release fishery is extremely important to the area and everyone treats it with a great deal of respect. Also to preserve this fishery, only one fish per charter is allowed, and that is released at boat side very quickly, so keep your cameras handy. Take advantage of this fishery now, you never know when things might change.
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